Company Settings

People (Users, Org, Licenses)
Guide to Creating User List and Upload
To ensure error-free import of the user list into the Cyber Guru platform, it is essential that the guidelines given in the following article are foll...
First User Upload to the Platform
In the “Company Management” section under “Manage Users,” it is possible to upload the user list provided by the client by following the parameters pr...
User List Update
If you want to update users on the platform, it is possible to perform a bulk export of the users already loaded on the platform. This allows you to h...
Filtering Users on the Platform
Within the platform, in the section "Company Management > People > Manage Users", there is a dropdown menu that allows you to filter users based on th...
Management of Organizations
The "Organizations" are additional information related to users, used to collect various types of data and map business risks, segmenting the populati...
Modify the "team" organization
During the setup of a company, before any training content has been released, it is possible to modify the "organization" set as a team. Simply click ...
Assignment of Team Leader and Supervisors
If team gamification has been activated for the company, it is possible to designate a team leader for each team. To do this, from the side menu, sele...
Licence Distribution
Once the licenses are created ( License Creation ), they can be distributed to users. The assignment can be done in four ways: individual bulk automat...
Recovery / Sending New Credentials to a User
If a user does not receive the email with the temporary credentials, or if the 'Student Caring' option is not enabled, or if they have forgotten their...
Functioning of Student Caring
This event is triggered by the assignment of the first Awareness or Channel type license to a single user. Below are described some scenarios, to be r...