
Cyber Guru 2.0.10

New Features

Custom SMTP Configuration

Companies can now configure their own SMTP settings directly, allowing for more personalized management of communications to better suit their specific needs.

For more information, see the following article.

  • PowerPoint Reports for Awareness and Channel Services

PowerPoint reports are now available for the Awareness and Channel services, making it easier for you to present and analyze data. This feature allows for a more streamlined and visually appealing way to understand your service performance.

For more details, check out this article.


Improved Phishing Attachment Management

Attachments are now segmented by Company, allowing for more tailored content management, similar to templates and landing pages.

For more details, check out this article.

Cyber Guru 2.0.9

New Features

  • Automatic PowerPoint Overview Generation

Generate a PowerPoint presentation that provides a comprehensive overview of all available services, saving you time and effort when preparing reports.

For more details see the article

  • Enhanced User Status Overview

The user status overview graph now combines both awareness/channel states (inner circle) and phishing behaviors (outer ring), offering deeper insights and better data correlation across available services.

For more details see the article

  • Revamped Help Section

The Help section has been redesigned to include regulations, privacy policies, terms & conditions, and knowledge base link. We’ve also integrated support information previously found under “Support” for a more streamlined experience.

For more details see the article.


  • Enhanced WCAG Compliance

The student role is now fully accessible, with only minor issues or optional recommendations remaining, ensuring a more inclusive experience.