Supervisor Statistics


In the "Statistics" section, the supervisor has access to an overview of the performance of the corporate population.

The following section is divided in turn into different tabs:

  • Overview

  • Report Awareness

  • Report Channel

  • Report Phishing


Within this section are the following widgets:

  • Global Participation

  • Ranking

Global Participation

The "Global Participation" graph shows, in percentages, the trend over time in the overall participation of the corporate population, broken down into the three sections: Awareness, Channel and Phishing.

The team leader can download the data and generate a report in CSV or XLSX format by clicking on the "Generate Report" button and selecting the desired report type.

  • Completed Activities - report allows the supervisor to view for each user and for each activity (Awarness modules and Channel episodes), information such as time spent, points earned, and date of completion.

  • Participation - report allows the supervisor to view for each user and for each Awarness module and Channel episode, information such as the date of start of fruition, date of passing the module, percentage of completion, and dwell time.

  • User Ranking - report allows you to view in detail all users, which team they belong to, their ranking position, points accumulated so far, and medals won.

  • Team Ranking - report analyzes each team's position within the leaderboard, points and medals associated with each team.


In this section there is a chart showing the ranking of all users and their points gained.

Report Awareness

In the "Report Awareness" tab, the supervisor will have all the data related to the users' participation in the Awareness training course.

Within this section are the following widgets:

  • Numerical users

  • Distribution of users by participation status

  • Time spent on the activity in minutes

  • Points earned for activities

User information

In the first widget at the top left, there is information regarding:

  • Total company users

  • Total Teams

In the center donut chart, the supervisor will graphically see the distribution of users by degree of participation in the Awareness modules.

  • Inline

  • Regular

  • Non-regular

  • Inactive

The same information is shown in numerical form on the right side of the widget

Time spent on the activity in minutes

The supervisor will be able to view the users' dwell time for each module in minutes: they will then see the minutes it took users to complete each module.

The first bar in the graph represents the actual duration of the activity (e.g., 16 minutes for module 1 "Phishing") the bar next to it, on the other hand, the average time, in minutes, spent by the on that module.

Points earned for activities

On the other hand, the "Points earned for activities" graph in the lower right shows the points associated with the individual activity (module) and those on average won by users for each module.

Generate report

In this section, a report can be generated by downloading data on completed Awareness and Participation activities in CSV and XLSL formats.

The "Activities Completed Awareness" report shows ,for each Awareness module, the time the user spent on it, the points obtained and the date of completion.

The "Participation Awareness" report presents a detailed report showing for each participant the modules viewed and, for each module, the percentage of participation of each indicating whether the user is regular or not.

Report Channel

Under the "Report Channel" tab, the supervisor has the same metrics available as in the section previously analyzed, but referring to Channel episodes.

Within this section are the following widgets:

  • Numerical users

  • Distribution of users by participation status

  • Time spent on activity in minutes

  • Points obtained per activity

    User information

In the first widget at the top left, there is information regarding:

  • Total company users

  • Total Teams

In the center donut chart, the supervisor will graphically see the distribution of team users by degree of participation in the Awareness modules.

  • Inline

  • Regular

  • Non-regular

  • Inactive

The same information is shown in numerical form on the right side of the widget.

Time spent on the activity in minutes

The supervisor will be able to view the users' time spent on each episode in minutes: they will then see the minutes it took users to complete each episode.

The first bar in the graph represents the actual duration of the activity (e.g., 10 minutes for the first episode "From Heaven to Hell in a Click" ) the bar next to it, on the other hand, the average time, in minutes, spent by users on that episode.

Points earned for activities

The graph "Points gained by activity," in the lower right shows the points associated with the individual activity (episode) and those on average won by users for each episode.

Generate Report

Within this section it is also possible to generate a report by downloading data on Channel's completed activities and participation in CSV and XLSX format.

The "Participation Channel" shows, for each participant, which episodes they have viewed and, for each of these, indicates the participation percentage, also highlighting the user's status, whether regular or not.

The "Activities completed Channel" on the other hand, shows, for each Channel episode, the user's time spent on the same, the points earned, and the completion date.

Report Phishing

In the "Phishing Report" tab, you can access data related to simulated phishing attacks.

You can filter the data by clicking on the "Filters" button and selecting which campaign, role, or company function to display the data for.

The filter is global and applies to all widgets present on the page.

Nel caso in cui non venga selezionato alcun filtro, i dati visualizzati sono riferiti all’ultima campagna.

Information on Phishing Attacks

Risk Evolution

The bar chart "Risk Evolution" allows the analysis of the risk evolution by examining, for each phishing campaign that occurred, the distribution of users based on their behavior.

It is important to note that the risk evolution concerns only the users who have interacted (clicked/reported) at least once with the attack emails that are sent.

Users are divided into:

  • Cyber Defenders: Users who recognize attacks and report them by activating the appropriate function provided.

  • Strong Users: Users who have clicked at least once in the past but click less than once every 5 campaigns since then.

  • Intermediate Users: Users who click at least 2 times out of 5 campaigns.

  • Weak Users: Users who click very frequently - approximately 3 times out of 5 campaigns.

Clicker per campagna

The same graph also allows analyzing the number of clicks for each campaign attributed to the users within the team, showing the distribution of users based on their clicking habits. To display this type of graph, simply click on the three dots in the top right corner. This graph serves as a detection of an absolute value.

Weak Users

This widget illustrates how the behavior of "weak users" develops, namely those who repeatedly click, across different campaigns.

Reliability Score

The graph called "Reliability Score" expresses the resistance to attacks by the target, namely the company's population. This indicator conceptually represents the number of attacks required to "hit" the target reference.

Risk Distribution

The "Risk Distribution" graph is based on the grouping criteria chosen by the company for Org_1. This distribution is influenced by the popularity of the groupings. Typically, a highly populated department expresses a greater risk compared to a smaller department, even with a lower Click-Rate.

The same graph allows the analysis of data for roles and functions, or for associated values such as org_2 and org_3, etc.

Click Rate per Device

The "Click Rate per Device" graph allows the analysis of the click rate divided by device. Alternatively, by clicking on the three dots, you can analyze the data by operating system or browser.

Click Rate per campagna

The "Click Rate per campaign" graph analyzes the click rate of users across all occurred campaigns.

The Click Rate is the percentage of users who fell victim to the attack compared to the number of attacks sent in that specific campaign

Click Rate per org

The "Click Rate per Org" expresses the percentage of clicks relative to the number of attacks sent for each campaign, based on the grouping criteria chosen by the organization (e.g., Sector, Department, Business Function, etc.). By clicking on the three dots at the top right, you can also view the data relative to the parameters chosen for Org_2 and Org_3 (for example: role or business function).

Click rate per department

The "Click Rate per Department" graph analyzes, for each department, the click rate in each campaign, providing the percentage and highlighting in red the campaigns that were the most critical.

Click rate per template

The "Click Rate per Template" analyzes all templates, both active ones (used in the current campaign) and inactive ones (used in previous campaigns). The report also includes absolute values, the number of times that particular template has been used, and the total clicks received.

Click rate per target

The "Click Rate per Target" displays the click rate of each team member. The report highlights the department to which they belong, the absolute values of attacks sent and clicks made, whether the user clicked in the last campaign, and their risk group. Depending on the choices made by the client organization, this report may be shown in anonymized form or with clear user names.

Generate Phishing Report

Within this section, you can export data from all campaigns or specific campaigns. You can generate a report in PPT format or export global data in CSV format.

The presentation is structured as follows:

  1. Overview

  2. Explanatory Legend

  3. Performance Summary

  4. Reliability Score

  5. Serial Clickers (Weak Users)

  6. Risk Evolution

  7. Click Rate

  8. Click Rate of Org_1, Org_2, and Org_3

  9. Click Rate of Attacks

  10. Risk Distribution of Org_1, Org_2, and Org_3

  11. Remediation Results

The CSV file, on the other hand, analyzes the behavior of each user for each template of every campaign.

In the "Remediation Report" tab, you can see the data related to the remediation campaigns conducted on the weakest users to enhance their resistance capability against cyber attacks.