Licence Creation


The licences of each training program (Awareness or Channel) enable users to view the training content. In the case of phishing, however, they enable users to receive simulation emails.

WARNING: This function is only available to a user with an MSP role.

To create licences for a training service, simply click the three vertical dots next to the component you want to assign to the company (in the “Actions” column) and select “Add licence package” .

Enter the following data:

  • Quantity: number of licenses to be associated with the company

  • Start Date: start date of validity of the licenses. If a date greater than the date on which the operation is performed is entered, the licenses cannot be distributed.

  • Duration (in months): select from the drop-down menu the duration in months of the licenses.

  • Due date: the expiration date of the licenses is calculated automatically, depending on the duration in months specified.

    NOTE: In the days following the expiration date, users will still be able to log into the platform, but will no longer have access to the training content. Licenses have an expiration related to the contractual terms established. This duration is extendable in case of renewal.

Once the licenses are created, you can assign them to users following the instructions in the following article.