

In the "Acknowledgements" section, the student can view the badges obtained during the training course and the certificate of attendance.


To obtain a medal badge, one must answer all 12 questions of a training module correctly. It does not matter how many attempts you make, the important thing is to achieve 100% correct answers. Each module consists of three lessons, so it is advisable to retest these lessons until you get all the answers correct. This will earn you the virtual ‘medal’ badge and a bonus of 3 points.


To obtain a cup badge, all 10 cup questions must be answered correctly. The ‘cup’ test can only be repeated ONCE. If you pass (10/10) you will get a cup badge and an extra 5 points automatically.


In this section it is possible for the student, upon completion of the Awareness training course, to download the certificate of participation and completion of the Cyber Guru course.

NOTE: The certificate only becomes downloadable upon successful completion of all training modules.

Your Progress and Cyber Score

In this section you will find widgets on

  • Your progress

  • Your cyber score

More information on these widgets can be found in the following article ‘Your Progress’.