Licence Expiration Management


Phishing Licenses

When a phishing campaign is scheduled to start on a specific date (for example, August 26) and the associated license expires on a later date (for example, August 31), emails will be sent until the license expiration date.

On the day of expiration itself (in this example, August 31), the sending of emails will be automatically suspended, and no further simulation emails will be sent.

If the license is subsequently extended, it is important to remove the "suspension" flag to resume sending emails from the point where it was interrupted.

Therefore, in the event of Cyber Guru Phishing license expiration, it is essential to proceed with the extension of the licenses and check for the presence of the suspension flag, removing it if it is active.

Cyber Guru Awareness and Cyber Guru Channel Licences

In the case of the Cyber Guru Awareness and Cyber Guru Channel training programmes, releases are made regardless of whether the Awareness or Channel licences have expired: if student caring for the release of new content is active, the content release email will also be sent to users.

However, when the licence has expired, user content is no longer accessible until the licence term is extended. The user can continue to access the platform, but the paths are not visible.

To extend the validity of licences for a particular service, it is necessary to click on the three vertical dots next to the service and select the option ‘Extend Licence Validity’.

Licences can only be extended within 30 days of expiry. Thereafter, the option is disabled.

Next, from the drop-down menu, you will be able to choose the number of months for which you wish to extend the duration of licences (choose from multiples of 12)

To extend the validity of licenses for a given service, you must click on the three vertical dots next to the service and select the “Extend Licenses Validity” option.

Then, from the drop-down menu, you will be able to choose the number of months for which you wish to extend the validity of the licenses.