User Alignment


When new users are added to the platform, it is possible to manage the alignment of users to the company's releases through a checkbox in the company options.

When adding a new user, you can choose between the following options:

  1. Align them with other existing users:

    New users will have access to all content already released for the company. For example, if a user is added in the sixth month (after six releases), they will have access to the six contents already available, which will be blocked by the prerequisite logic if it is activated.

  2. Start users from the first content:

    New users will start from the first content, which will be released according to the schedule set for the company. If users are added on a day that does not correspond to a release day, they will not find any content available until the next release day.

    With this approach, new users will always start from the first content, even if other users in the company have already reached the n-th release. This ensures that all new entries follow the training path from the beginning, but creates a misalignment with already active users.