How do I understand the score assignment?


Consult the Regulations available on the platform in the “Information” section for all the details.


All the information you find in this section relates to a standardized proposition of Cyber Guru's training plans.

  • For each question answered correctly, one point is earned, but only on the first attempt. Therefore, for each lesson, it is possible to earn from 0 to 4 points; consequently, for each module, it is possible to earn from 0 to 12 points.

  • By correctly answering all 12 questions of a module, regardless of the number of attempts, a virtual badge is obtained, which entitles the holder to a bonus of 3 points.

  • It is always worth trying to retake the tests of the three lessons that make up a module and putting oneself in a position of excellence because this will allow you to obtain the bonus of 3 points.

  • At the end of each block (quarter) consisting of 3 modules, an evaluation test called “Cup” is proposed, consisting of an additional 10 questions. This test is offered only once and cannot be repeated. Each question answered correctly entitles the participant to one point.

  • Answering all 10 proposed questions correctly results in obtaining a virtual cup, which entitles the holder to a bonus of 5 points.

  • Participants can be assigned to a team, and all their individual performances in the training path will affect their team's score. Individual activity influences the performance of the assigned team, thus contributing to its ranking in the team leaderboard.


Note that team rankings are always calculated as the ratio between the sum of the scores earned by all team members and the number of members in the team. This method of score distribution allows any team, regardless of its numerical strength, to compete with others. It is possible for a person to change teams during the training course (organizational restructuring). In this case, their performance will be inherited by the new team to which they have been assigned.


The Cyber Campus consists of various types of training objects (hereafter LO).
Let’s see the different types of training objects included in the training plans:

  • WarmUp: Interactive LOs that are very “light” from a didactic point of view and aimed at “warming up” the memory regarding certain topics.

  • DidActive: Interactive LOs with more significant educational content, aimed at memory training through intensive use of feedback.

  • Cyber Games: Interactive LOs that implement typical logic of Serious Games and Game-Based Learning, although in an experience that remains “individual”.

  • Cyber Insights: LOs consisting of a short video and a final test, aimed at updating knowledge regarding threats that have undergone substantial evolution.

Each interaction provides a number of shields based on the outcome of the interaction, which can be: correct / partially correct / incorrect.
Let’s see the reference scheme of shields for each LO:


  • Number of interactions: 5

  • Shields for correct answer: 2

  • Shields for partially correct answer: 1

  • Shields for incorrect answer: 0

  • Maximum number of shields obtainable: 10

  • Number of shields required for passing: 7


  • Number of interactions: 5

  • Shields for correct answer: 3

  • Shields for partially correct answer: 1

  • Shields for incorrect answer: 0

  • Maximum number of shields obtainable: 15

  • Number of shields required for passing: 10

Cyber Insights

  • Number of interactions: 4

  • Shields for correct answer: 1

  • Shields for partially correct answer: n/a

  • Shields for incorrect answer: 0

  • Maximum number of shields obtainable: 4

  • Number of shields required for passing: 3

You can exit an LO at any time and resume the attempt from the point where you exited.

If the LO is completed, we may find ourselves in three different situations:

  • completed but not passed, meaning that the required number of shields for passing has not been reached;

  • completed and passed, but not with the maximum number of shields obtainable;

  • completed and passed with the maximum number of shields obtainable.

Condition number 3 is the only one that allows obtaining the end-of-course badge, which certifies passing under “excellence” conditions for that specific LO.

The end-of-course badge is created according to the “open badge” standard, which serves to certify the specific digital competence acquired in a format that can be recognized on many platforms.

The Cyber Games are LOs with different characteristics. They do not have prerequisites and are therefore autonomous learning objects. Their use is tracked like any other LO, but the qualitative use does not impact the continuation of the training path.

In this case, shields are earned based on the outcome of the various puzzles proposed, with penalties applied in cases of: error, use of “hints” for resolution, exceeding the maximum time allowed.

A Cyber Game allows earning up to 30 shields.

Gamification (CGA – Cyber Campus)

Currently, there is a 1/1 conversion criterion between shields and points.

The score is valued based on the shields obtained EXCLUSIVELY on the FIRST ATTEMPT.

However, for each type of LO, there is a conversion criterion between badges and points. Therefore, when a badge is earned, a bonus can be obtained, regardless of the number of attempts needed to earn it.

As a result of this conversion mechanism, we include the following points scheme:



Bonus Points

Maximum Score









Cyber Game




Cyber Insights





The training paths of CGC consist of “narrative series” and “narrative episodes”. Currently, Cyber Guru Channel DOES NOT contribute to the Gamification mechanism.


This is a program of Phishing/Smishing attack simulations, and for organizations that have the PhishPRO package, it can also be extended to other types of attacks.

For all organizations that have adopted the “team gamification” mechanism, Cyber Guru Phishing can affect the ranking in the following way:

  • -1/-2 points in case of a click in response to a simulated attack

  • +1/+2 points for recognizing and subsequently reporting a simulated attack

The difference between 1 and 2 points depends on the choices made by the organization during configuration.