The purpose of Whitelisting


The main goal of Whitelisting is to ensure proper communication with the Cyber Guru platform and, optionally, enable the phishing message reporting function by users.

Since the Cyber Guru platform is a Software as a Service (SaaS) service, it is subject to monitoring the security of customers' infrastructures. This may result in the interception by anti-spam, anti-phishing filters, and the like, of some automatic communications sent to platform users, such as emails or links. This can compromise the overall effectiveness of training and simulated phishing.

In the Cyber Guru Phishing (CGP) component, this situation is exacerbated by the various security systems present in the various customer infrastructures. Since such systems are highly diversified, they may interfere with the proper functioning of the platform, causing incongruent data processing, such as false clicks on phishing emails.

The guidelines provided in the document allow configuring the security components of customers appropriately, where possible, to receive congruent data from the platform.