Test Whitelisting CGP (email reception)
Once the whitelisting procedure is completed, it is possible to test the templates of simulated phishing campaigns.
The successful outcome of this technical test is a fundamental operation to start the Cyber Guru Phishing training program.
Testing a Phishing Campaign
Once logged into the platform, by selecting “Release Management” from the left menu, it will be possible to view the available simulated phishing campaigns. During the testing phase, there will be an initial campaign titled "Campaign: C-01".
By clicking on "Carry out Test" in the upper right corner, you can fill in the information of the users to whom you want to send a test phishing campaign.
Once the information is filled out, by clicking on "Add", the user is correctly added, and it is possible to add a new one.
After entering all users, by selecting “Test”, a campaign consisting of 10 templates will be sent to each of the indicated users.
Verify the reception of simulation emails and the landing page
The reception of a simulated phishing campaign may not be immediate. After 10-15 minutes, the test recipient can perform the following checks:
Check that all emails have arrived correctly to the test recipient's inbox (not in spam).
Click on each link within the received simulations to verify that the landing page displays correctly and that the micro-training pill “What is phishing” is playable. If the landing page has been customized, ensure that it is displayed correctly.
⚠️ | WARNING For security reasons, please remember the importance of not clicking on emails that do not belong to the set of templates sent from the platform. |
If the test does not yield a positive outcome, it is possible to request a dedicated session from the relevant Customer Success Manager to verify the whitelisting parameters.
Once a campaign test has been executed, the MSP or CSM can view the outcome by accessing the “Statistics > Phishing Report” section and clicking on “Test Campaigns Events”.
It is possible to download the simulation of interest and, for each user to whom the test was sent, view the interactions with the various templates (such as clicks or reports).
The interactions that occur during the simulations do not affect the reports available on the platform.