Opening network routes for viewing web content CG 2.0


The activity of opening or verifying network routes aimed at displaying content is necessary to ensure that: 

  •  clicks made by users on Phishing attacks are not blocked; 

  •  the user, in case of clicks, can reach the training landing page; 

  •  the landing page can load the graphic and training content, to make it available to the user; 

  •  the portal can be reached using corporate devices; 

  •  the training videos can be played on users' devices. 

Viewing Cyber Guru Phishing Landing Pages 2.0

Cyber Guru Phishing uses the following domains for the web pages to which the links included in the simulated phishing e-mails point. Again, as an alternative to entering individual domains, it is possible, and advisable, to use the server name:

Traffic directed to these addresses should be authorized by setting the appropriate rules in the Firewall, Proxy servers and/or Threat Protection systems. 

The domains to be included in the whitelist for viewing the landing pages pointed to by the URLs in the phishing simulation emails are

Domains visible in the simulation of Phishing 



80/443 (http/https) 


80/443 (http/https) 


80/443 (http/https) 


80/443 (http/https) 


80/443 (http/https) 


80/443 (http/https) 


80/443 (http/https) 


80/443 (http/https) 


80/443 (http/https) 


80/443 (http/https)

Access to the training portal and Cyber Guru Awareness, Channel and Phishing videos

The following domains must be authorized to enable the use of training content and access to the portal9

Content Domains




Cyber ​​Guru Platform and Images, CSS and other content 

80/443 (http/https) 


Video streaming 

80/443 (http/https) 


CDN Vimeo

80/443 (http/https) 


Video viewing

80/443 (http/https)

CDN Cyber Guru contents

80/443 (http/https) 


Video viewing

80/443 (http/https)


Video viewing

80/443 (http/https)

Video streaming 

80/443 (http/https)