Training Plan


Each participant will be able to view their training plan in the "Training Plan" section where the list of activities available to the student will be visible.

Within this section the user is provided with the following widgets

  • Your activities

  • Your Progress

  • Cyber Score

Your Activities

Here the user finds 'list of activities that assigned within the training course

Activities can be filtered by type

  • Modules (Awareness)

  • Episodes (Channel)

  • Cyber Pills (insights to increase awareness about the cyber world)

And by status

  • Ongoing: activity started;

  • Available: training content released and ready for viewing;

  • Blocked: content not usable in 'view of the principle of propaedeuticity;

  • Not Available: content not yet released.

To get more details about the "Your Progress" widget and the "Cyber Score" you can check out this article

Structure of training materials

The training content is made available on the platform at a frequency determined by the client company (usually monthly).

Each Awareness module consists of three lessons, consisting of short videos lasting 5-7 minutes each, accompanied by a downloadable PDF containing the same content.

By clicking on the ‘menu’ in the top left-hand corner, you have access to the list of lessons of the selected module and the corresponding learning tests.

At the end of each lesson, a learning test consisting of four multiple-choice questions is presented.

To take the test, you must watch the entire training video.

To move on to the next lesson, you must pass the test with a score of at least 3 out of 4 correct questions. Learning tests are always repeatable and earn points.

Each Channel episode is about 5 to 7 minutes long and there is NO learning test at the end.

Within the episode you can find

  • Brief description of the episode

  • Description of the threat dealt with

  • Description of the series

At the bottom left, you can download a PDF version of the episode.