User Update with SCIM Protocol


The Cyber Guru platform needs to store customer user information in order to provide all Awareness, Channel, and Phishing services. User information must be created, updated, and deleted.

The exchange of such information can occur in different modes. This article outlines the prerequisites and configurations to enable this information exchange via the IdM SCIM protocol.

Identity Management SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) is an open standard protocol designed to automate the exchange of user identity information between systems. SCIM simplifies the provisioning, removal, and management of user identities across different platforms using a consistent and standardized API. It helps ensure that user data, such as names, roles, and groups, are efficiently synchronized between identity providers and service providers.

SCIM API Services offered by Cyber Guru are the following:

  • Create: Adding new users.

  • Update: Modifying user details.

  • Delete: Removing users*

*The user on the platform will be suspended by default.


1) The user profile in the Identity Provider must contain all the attributes used by the Cyber Guru platform:

  • username

  • firstname

  • lastname

  • email

  • language

  • country

  • active

  • externalID

  • organization 1

  • ...

  • organization n

2) User authentication must occur via Single Sign On (SAML2)


The configuration of SCIM services may vary among different Identity Management providers. As SCIM is a standard protocol, Cyber Guru will provide the tenant URL and the token to be supplied with each SCIM call. The token has a validity period of one year.