Link the Deployment ID of the Apps Script Project on Google Cloud


1. Connect to the following link ""

2. Click on "Select Project"

3. Select the previously created project (If no projects have been created, refer to the following article Creating a Project on Google Cloud)

4. Click on "The Navigation Menu" of Google Cloud

5. Go to "APIs & Services > Library"

6. Click on the search bar and search for "Google Workspace Marketplace SDK"

7. Click on the found result and click on "Enable"

8. Click on "App Configuration"

9. Enable the checkbox "Private" under the "App Visibility" section

10. Scroll down the screen to the "App Integration" section and enable the checkbox "Google Workspace Add-on"

11. Click on the checkbox "Run the deployment using the Apps Script deployment ID" and paste the previously copied deployment ID (If you do not have a Deployment ID, follow the next article Project Deployment on Apps Script)

12. Scroll down the screen to the "Developer Information" section

  • In the "Developer Name" field, enter "Cyber Guru"

  • In the "Developer Website" field, enter ""

  • In the "Developer Email" field, enter ""

13. Then click on "Save"

14. Click on the "Store Tab"

15. Click on "Category" and select "Utility" from the dropdown menu

16. Scroll down the screen to the "Graphic Assets" section and upload the logo "Logo CG Phishing Button.png" previously shared by support in the required fields including the "Screenshot" field

17. Scroll down the screen to the "Support Links" section

  • In the "Terms of Service URL" field, enter ""

  • In the "Privacy Policy URL" field, enter ""

  • In the "Support URL" field, enter ""

18. Under the "Distribution" section, enable the checkbox "All Regions"

19. Then click on "Publish"